LTC Michael A. Fowles
Product Manager
Intelligence Systems
Mr. Leslie L. Hosein
Deputy Product Manager
Intelligence Systems
Vision: Delivering integrated systems and capabilities that provide the U.S. Army Intelligence Community a peerless advantage.
Mission Statement: Integrating systems, sensors, and capabilities into a modernized intelligence infrastructure to achieve multi-domain operations.
2QFY22 Product Manager Intel Systems User Exchange
- 28 February – 22 March: User Exchange Videos / Content available to User Community
- 28 March: A365 Teams Q&A Sessions 1 with User Community
Click the button below to request access to the User Exchange on ARMY 365
The Overview
The Product Manager Intel Systems (PdM IS) User Exchange is a semi-annual event that provides open discussion between the PM Intelligence Systems & Analytics Team and the User Community. The intent is to inform and provide a reoccurring program update focused on the Development, Sustainment and Fielding & Training efforts; while receiving direct feedback from the User Community IOT improve the program in support of the Warfighter.
Due to COVID-19 constraints, like the 4QFY21 User Exchange, the 2QFY22 will be a virtual event starting with User Community registration, the viewing of the prerecorded video series – RFI submission, and finally an interactive User Exchange Q&A Sessions utilizing Army 365 to closeout the event.
Event Location
100% Virtural