View Supplemental Information
This page provides additional 4QFY20
User Exchange supplemental Information
In order to access and view User Exchange supplemental information, please follow the below DCGS-A Help Desk Portal approval steps
*To request access to the Online Portal: Email the DCGS-A Help Desk below. An invite email will follow that walks customers through the registration process for (below) in order to access User Exchange documentation and more…
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Download DCGS-A Embedded Trainer Request Information
Due to COVID-19 constraints, the 4QFY20 PdM IS User Exchange will be a phased virtual event starting with registering and then viewing the prerecorded PdM IS topic video series hosted on the PdM IS User Exchange website. The intent of the prerecorded videos is to provide the Community the opportunity to view the videos at their leisure within the 2 x week video access window starting on 24 August and ending on 4 September. The videos will provide an information brief, detailing current system and program statuses. The 4QFY20 User Exchange video series is comprised of interrelated topics and we highly encouraged that participants view all videos to ensure you get an understanding of the Program from the holistic “system of systems / life cycle” perspective.
Get in Touch
Please submit any questions, comments, concerns prior to the event so we can address accordingly. We will make every attempt to have our briefers answer questions within their brief. All questions will be kept anonymous.